Russian visa registration

Every foreigner who travels to Russia should have his Russian visa registered within 7 working days upon arrival (Federal Law #42-FZ). If you are traveling to Russia for more than 7 working days you will need to register your visa. If you don’t register your visa you could be fined or incur more severe consequences. The registration of Work, Study and Humanitarian visas is usually carried out by the host company or organization at its own expense right after your arrival in Russia, while the registration of tourist and business visas must be taken care of directly by the foreign citizen: fi you are staying in a hotel, you will be able to easily take care of the registration at the reception desk for a small fee.
Travel Insurance for Russia

Business visa support to Russia

In order to travel to Russia an entry visa is of mandatory acquisition for the majority of foreign visitors: the visa must be obtained before submitting an application to the Russian consulate or any other competent issuing entity in your country of citizenship or residence. The Russian border authority will deny entry to the Russian Federation to any traveler lacking an appropriate visa, whenever such document is required. The documents for the visa application vary according to the visa category (Tourist, Business, Work, Study, Transit, Private and others) and may differ from country to country. Down below you will find a list of documents that the Russian consulate usually requires in order to file a visa application:
Visto privato per le persone che condividono i valori spirituali e morali tradizionali russi

In conformità del punto 4 del Decreto del Presidente della Federazione Russa del 19 agosto 2024 № 702 “Sull'assistenza umanitaria alle persone che condividono i "valori spirituali e morali tradizionali russi”, a queste persone possono essere rilasciati i visti ordinari privati per un ingresso singolo per un periodo non superiore ai 90 giorni.
Tourist visa support to Russia

In order to travel to Russia an entry visa is of mandatory acquisition for the majority of foreign visitors: the visa must be obtained before submitting an application to the Russian consulate or any other competent issuing entity in your country of citizenship or residence. The Russian border authority will deny entry to the Russian Federation to any traveler lacking an appropriate visa, whenever such document is required.